Wednesday, October 8, 2014

fitness journey

Getting fit is a journey, it is life changing. The road is difficult but the results are ones that will encourage and strength you. I look back to my pictures at a size 14 and think wow i have come so far. Yet even though i am a size 4/6, it sometimes still feels that I'm a 14. It is not that i am unhappy but rather still on the path to my goal. I don't want to settle for anything less then where i should be. We often settle and that is a choice. Today i choose to keep working on me for me. Everyone around can follow and encourage of keep moving. Keep a clean mind so that you can keep a clean body. A positive attitude is everything. If you fail that is GREAT...why??? Because it means you actually are doing something, so with failure you will have success. Don't quit, you are worth the journey

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