Tuesday, October 28, 2014

proud coach

I am so proud of my client for choosing healthy foods and losing 10 lbs in the last month. It is not easy to make changes in life. The road is difficult, sometimes you will feel like giving up...but stick with it and results will come. Set small goals to accomplish and strive to meet them. There were times during my weightloss journey that I didn't have great support or encouragement,  however I chose to do my best and continue. Sometimes you will need to be strong on your own, one day you will be leading others. No matter how big or how small you think your goal is....you can do it!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Tip for dinner time

I'm not sure when dinner became the biggest meal of the day, as it should be the smallest. Tip for breaking a plateau  is make your larger meal early in the. This allows the food time to process and most likely you are more active in the day. The best way to getting fit with nutrition is eating 5 to 6 small meals a day. I hear people telling me they can't because of work or no time. Well if you are unwilling to try, then you will never see results. This week, try eating a smaller meal at night, go to bed a little hungry and you will see a change. Allow yourself a cheat meal, just one. Eat healthy the rest of the time. You deserve to be fit and happy.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

change it up...

Change is good! In order to become a better more fit you, change has to take place. Embrace it! As the weekend comes closer, plan activities that you enjoy, but involve physical movement. Add some healthy snacks and plenty of water. You have the opportunity to change your outcome. What will you do?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Don't be anxious...

When someone tells you to stop being anxious and stop stressing, what do you do??? You are more anxious then before. Getting fit can seem stressful at times and anxiety may grow when you don't reach that goal you set. You are not alone! Let nothing stop you from reaching your true weight. When you become anxious, take a walk, scream out loud and tell yourself that you are not a failure. You are moving step by step towards being a better you. When you mess up, its okay! Get back on track at your next meal or workout. Let anxiety and stress roll off you back and use it to motivate you! You are worth more than you know!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


We all have times when we feel discouraged with our weight and times when nothing is changing. Yet we are working out, eating right and doing everything to get to our fitness goal. However in my own experience I have found that at those times, maybe I was lying to myself and really not doing everything I thought I was. It only effects you and your weight goals when you are not true to yourself. Be honest and move foward. It is really that simple. Love yourself, treat your mind and body well. You deserve to feel and look good. Today is the day you move forward and leave the old you behind. Grow and learn from each part of your fitness journey.  Its all about you!

Monday, October 20, 2014

creating new habits...

In order to create a healthy new habit, it does not mean you have to cut out all the bad food you love. Any one that goes cold turkey and stops eating everything unhealthy will quit at some point. My coaching focuses on a lifestyle change. Adding something healthy everyday and learning that you will mess up and eat bad. But as you continue to keep adding those fruits and veggies your taste will change. Your body will crave healthier food and your brain will start telling you when you have eaten enough. Stick to making small changes each day. This will add up and you will start seeing results. It is better to consistently lose rather then losing too quickly. Make a decision to change one thing in your diet and that's it. Do not over think and do not over do. This is the beginning.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Going out to eat..

When I started eating healthy it was difficult to eat at a restaurant. I didn't know what to order, except a salad. Well that can get really boring!!!! So here is the key to eating at a restaurant...eat small portions. That means a palm size portion of meat and a cup size portion of your sides. Then you won't feel like you have over eaten. As you continue to becoming healthier you will fins that it gets easier as you go. Don't give up!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


The road to being fit will have adjustments, because not every goal will be reach or you may surpass the goal. It is okay to change your plans and make new ones that fit into your end goals. For myself, i have made many adjustments over the last two years. Some are easy and others are tough. It is all a part of becoming a healthy you. So today whatever you need to change up and adjust...its OK. Get on track and keep moving towards your end result. You deserve it!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

small successes

Being happy with a small success should be as good of a feeling as a big success. Getting fit and healthy is a journey. Take each success as an achievement in getting you to your fitness goal. Each day you are taking steps, big and small. Be happy with yourself and the weight will fall off. Continue to choose healthy foods that are fresh, move away from processed foods. Drink plenty of water and move around throughout the day. These are a couple simple ways to keep your blood flowing and be more active. Enjoy each success!

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Each day we face challenges with temptation of eating those yummy looking sweets, pizza or fast food. To overcome those unhealthy foods, it is very simple...no don't just stop eating what you like, start adding more veggies and fruits. What that does is change your cravings to better fresher tasting foods. The key in making a healthy lifestyle change is slowly taking the fattening foods away and adding fresh foods. Going cold turkey will only set you up to fail and most likely putting more weight on. Keep it simple! You can reach your weight goals with small changes each day. Do it for yourself.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

fitness journey

Getting fit is a journey, it is life changing. The road is difficult but the results are ones that will encourage and strength you. I look back to my pictures at a size 14 and think wow i have come so far. Yet even though i am a size 4/6, it sometimes still feels that I'm a 14. It is not that i am unhappy but rather still on the path to my goal. I don't want to settle for anything less then where i should be. We often settle and that is a choice. Today i choose to keep working on me for me. Everyone around can follow and encourage of keep moving. Keep a clean mind so that you can keep a clean body. A positive attitude is everything. If you fail that is GREAT...why??? Because it means you actually are doing something, so with failure you will have success. Don't quit, you are worth the journey

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Making changes

Change can be difficult, uncomfortable and stressful. It can also be healing, refreshing, encouraging and help you reach your goals. It is so easy to be down on yourself. Decide today to walk with your shoulders back, head high and a positive attitude. If you notice when you are not feeling the greatest you aren't smiling, head is down and have no motivation, stop and smile. Your heading towards your goals and you have the power to do anything. In life we are thrown all kinds of let downs, but know that you can change it by deciding to conquer and maintain a positive attitude. You deserve to be happy, healthy and fit!

Thursday, October 2, 2014


The weekend is here which means most of us are going out with friends for lunch, dinner and other activities. This is when the drive of staying healthy goes out the window. Then Monday we get on the scale and we have gained weight....ugh! We worked hard all week, stayed on track and now we are starting all over again. Guess what!!! You can do a couple things to change your weekends to be fun but still losing weight and/or inches. One is bring healthy snacks, plan ahead so that you aren't eating badly the whole weekend. A cheat meal is ok, but not a cheat weekend. You want different results, do things differently. Those around you will start noticing and start catering to your needs too. The other option you have is picking places that serve good foods. Keep building those healthy habits, you can do it! Stay active and hydrated!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Love yourself first...

It is not the easiest thing in the world to love yourself when you don't feel good with the way you look. How do you love yourself with that feeling inside? The best advice I have ever heard is to stand in front of a mirror for a couple minutes and smile at yourself (seriously). One thing to add to that is say out loud, three things you do like about your looks. Keeping a positive attitude will help you love yourself and will help the weight melt off. You will begin to believe in YOU and gain self-esteem. Remember you are who you are and the outside will change when you start loving yourself.