Tuesday, September 30, 2014

never throw in the towel

Eat to live...this has always been the reverse for me. I live to eat and I don't really think that it is a bad thing. IF, you are choosing healthy foods that will fuel your body for the day. It is funny to me when friends think that I "can't" eat meat or fast food...it is just that I would rather put things in my body that make me feel good. If you are happy were your at then remain the same but if you want change take small steps to getting to your goal. Never throw in the towel, you deserve to be great! Let people around you say what they want, you are on a different path then they are. I choose to be fit and healthy. It is not easy and there are plenty of struggles along the way, you just decide right now that you are making a change for YOU! Others will follow or be left behind as you grow. It is your time to be the best you possible.

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