Tuesday, September 30, 2014

never throw in the towel

Eat to live...this has always been the reverse for me. I live to eat and I don't really think that it is a bad thing. IF, you are choosing healthy foods that will fuel your body for the day. It is funny to me when friends think that I "can't" eat meat or fast food...it is just that I would rather put things in my body that make me feel good. If you are happy were your at then remain the same but if you want change take small steps to getting to your goal. Never throw in the towel, you deserve to be great! Let people around you say what they want, you are on a different path then they are. I choose to be fit and healthy. It is not easy and there are plenty of struggles along the way, you just decide right now that you are making a change for YOU! Others will follow or be left behind as you grow. It is your time to be the best you possible.

Monday, September 29, 2014


Most people choose to dislike mondays, maybe because its the beginning of the work week. For myself, its the beginning of my week towards getting to my weight goals and setting up for a great week. Mondays are every week whether we like it or not. So why not change your outlook and decide that it is going to be the best day of the week because it is a new unused day. When I became a fitness coach, this day became the day of setting goals, measuring how far I have come and where I am going in life. Monday is a great day!  It is all in your attitude.

Friday, September 26, 2014

break the mold

It's time to break out of the mold that has taken over your body, health and well-being. We struggle, we fight, we fall, we stand up and we take steps forward. The cycle continues through-out life. Your body is like clay, you can mold it anyway you want. Don't let negative people and thoughts control you. Make a change for you, tear down those walls and rebuild yourself into something great. YOU deserve to be great!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Brand New

It is a brand new day filled with the best life has to offer you. Take a deep breath and start your day with a new attitude and a drive to push through those walls of discouragement. I woke up knowing that today is my day to succeed, to be better and to feel great. I have chosen to be healthy, active and motivated to reach my goals. Success is an arms length away. If you made a poor decision, its okay...get back on track right now. Don't wait for another day!!!! You are making a healthy change for you, so get up stretch and shake off the bad. It's time for you to be in control. Look in the mirror and smile and love the healthy person you are becoming.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A New Day

Dreams are just dreams until you take action. Many times we get in a rut and let our dreams pass by and keep hoping for something better to come along. Well here is a news flash: you have to take action, plan and start doing for YOU! I started taking care of me and the weight started falling off. Yes it is a process, its tough and you will want to just give up when you stop losing that weight. But remember it took a year or maybe a few to put o . Give yourself a chance to feel great, you deserve it!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Life is much better when your fit! After years of being fat it was time for a change. Two years ago i became a vegetarian, then  vegan (no dairy, no grains) to now being 90% or more raw. I feel better then in my twenties!!
The best part of my journey is becoming a fitness and nutrition coach! I am here to help others reach their goals of being healthier and fit.
